"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Grace Bible Church is committed to ministries that help women to grow, serve, and reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Through Bible Studies, special events and outreach, the Women of Grace Bible Church develop relationships with our congregation, friends, and beyond our church doors.
Ladies Connections Groups

Ladies Connections meetings are a time of fellowship and Bible Study.

There are 5 homes to choose from, please try to find a group where you can get to know someone new!  All the homes are very close to the church.

We meet the 4th monday of the month @ 7PM.

Sept. 25, Oct. 23, Jan. 22 - Small group in homes.

Feb. 26 - Large group at church

March 25, April 22, May 20 - Small group homes.

June - Large group Bar-B-Que

We are using the Study Guide, video and conversation cards from "Find Your People" by Jennie.

Please contact the church office for details:  (973) 427-4032.

Friday Night Women's Bible Study

Friday nights at 7:00 pm while the Youth Groups are meeting, there is a Bible Study for all women.

Bring your teens and children to Kingdom Kids , Junior High or Senior High Youth Groups and study God's Word.