
Missionaries and Organizations

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Missionaries We Support Worldwide

My Example
Name Organization Name Organization
Steve & Kathy Amar Avant - Brazil Serina & Julian Arias South America Missions - Colombia
David & Aldenora Bachmann Avant - Brazil Amal & Carol Bejjani Christar - Nebraska
Dale Belli Urban Life Source Connection - NYC Todd & Tia Brain Wycliffe Associates - Florida
Tim & Sharon Braunlin Servant's Heart - New Jersey Sophia Brooks Intervarsity - New Jersey
Todd & Tammy Comstock Todd Comstock Ministries - Pennsylvania Cathy Craig Intervarsity - New Jersey
Jodi Davis Word of Life - Japan Jeff & Deanne Davoll ABWE - Ecuador
Larry & Linda Depue Ethnos360 - Bolivia Nick & Rebekah Ecker ABWE - Chile
Jake & Dorothy Fehr Friends of the Great Commission - Bolivia Simon & Leanne Foulkes AIM - England
John & Joanna Frey ABWE - England Lonnie & Ruth Hodge FIM - Bolivia
Brian & Nancy Hoffman AIM - Kenya Dave & Kate Huizing Word of Life - New York
Ron Hutchcraft Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Arkansas Keith & Debbie Jones IBM - Italy
Mark & Allison Keeton Ethnos360 - Missouri Ruth King Baptist Bible Fellowship Intl. - Japan
Jonas & Beth Menezes Avant - Brazil Bill & Nancy Moore ABWE - Indiana
Melissa Nieves ABWE - Ecuador Ammon & Ghazala Sharon Alpha Ministries Intl. - New Jersey
Brian & Susan Shortmeier Ethnos360 - Florida Tim & Donna Sirinides Operation Mobilization - Greece
Kristin Tasker CRU - Pennsylvania Paul Troper Christar - New Jersey
Matthew & Jessica Wenger ABWE - Chile Garry & Jerri Zimmerman Love in Action Intl. Ministries - Pennsylvania

Mission Organizations We Support

Child Evangelism Fellowship

First Choice Women's Resource Center

Good Shepherd Mission